Understanding the Blockchain Economy
measuring return on investment, volume 3
Pembentukan SAI20 untuk menjawab tantangan global
Perempuan sebagai Kata Kerja
Economic artificial intelligence ainomics : artificial intelligence di masa depan dan dampaknya pada covid-19
Penghasilan penduduk terdampak Covid-19
Insentif pajak dan ketahanan fiskal pada masa pandemi Covid-19
Reality and accounting : ontological explorations in the economic and social sciences
Behavioral accounting
Financial reporting under IAS/IFRS : theoretical background and capital market evidence - a european perspective
IFRS essentials
Accounting for dummies
Frequently asked questions in IFRS
Accounting best practices
Accounting control and controlling accounting : interdisciplinary and critical perspectives
Accounting for non-accountants : the fast and easy way to learn the basics
The failure and the future of accounting : strategy, stakeholders, and business value
Wiley CIA exam review focus notes, internal audit practice
Audit effectiveness : meeting the IT challenge
Audit and assurance essentials : for professional accountancy exams